As well as taking a full part in general Community life, each Community member is part of a particular work team.

House Team
House Team keep the house clean and welcoming – rooms, hallways, beds and bathrooms.

Kitchen Team
Kitchen Team keep everyone wonderfully fed, the dining room inviting, and the washing up sorted.

Estate team
Estate Team keep the cows mooing, sheep bleating, pigs oinking and the trees and plants healthy and in the right places.

Youth & Children’s TEam
Youth & Children’s Team dig into wells of energy to keep all ages entertained and spiritually alive.

Admin Team
Admin Team tell the world about Lee Abbey, answer letters and calls, take bookings, and recruit new members.

Pastoral Team
Pastoral Team often speak and lead workshops, and listen and pray with guests and Community.
There is also a Conference Team who organise the wonderful programmes, speakers and events for guests, lead them in worship and present glorious multimedia on the screen during sessions. And a Maintenance Team, mostly consisting of local staff, who run around diligently ensuring that the building is shipshape and fixing broken things.
Up the hill from the House, The Beacon Team shoot arrows, climb walls, get lost in the woods and provide all kinds of input in and out of doors at The Beacon Activity Centre.