Friends of Camp Bursary Scheme

The birth of the Lee Abbey Movement began in 1930 when Rev Roger De Pemberton wanted to encourage young people in the Christian faith and started a magazine called ‘The Pathfinder.’ The popularity of this magazine led De Pemberton to gather with his young readers for a Christian retreat. Each retreat ended with a service and many of the young people had a profound and life-changing encounter with God. That’s when De Pemberton realised the impact of a Christian led holiday. It took until 1945 for De Pemberton to purchase Lee Abbey and in so doing he secured a permanent base for this movement. It was not until 1948 that the first official youth camp was held at Lee Abbey. Aside from a two-year COVID-19 related break, the Lee Abbey Youth Camp has been a recurring annual event and we believe that it is the longest-running UK Christian youth camp. Over the years Lee Abbey Youth Camp has changed and grown considerably, in 2019 we welcomed over 180 young people onto the field for two weeks. Today, the leaders still hold true to the experience of Rev Roger De Pemberton, that on a Christian led holiday, young people can have a profound and life-changing encounter with God.

The youth camp leaders are especially keen that the cost of attending camp is not a barrier for young people. As leaders, we are particularly keen for camp to be a welcoming place for young people and leaders from low income and BAME backgrounds. It is through the Friends of Camp bursary scheme that we are able to do this. The Friends of Camp scheme helps keep the cost as low as possible. Throughout our history, we have offered a week’s camping holiday that includes accommodation, full board, daily activities and a day out. This has only been possible by being completely volunteer-led and through the generosity of faithful people donating towards Friends of Camp. 

Any money donated towards the Friends of Camp goes towards our camper bursary scheme, our leader travel bursary scheme or the maintenance or purchase of our camping equipment. If you would like to make a one-off donation towards Friends of Camp or donate a monthly amount please contact

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Lee Abbey Fellowship is a registered company in England and Wales, number 4428897, registered address Lynton, North Devon EX35 6JJ and a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1094097, registered address Lynton, North Devon EX35 6JJ.
We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of children & adults and expect all who join Community to share this commitment.
Website copyright © Lee Abbey Devon; designed and built by Tim Wakeling. Hosted on a UK server.
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