Russ and Michael have been leading pilgrimages in Ireland, the British Isles and Assisi for over thirteen years. Following the success of their pilgrimage based at Lee Abbey in 2024, they will be returning for another week. During this week participants will be going on Pilgrimage using the landscape of Lee Abbey including Shoreline, Forest and High Place. Rooted in a rhythm of worship, there will be teaching, reflection, conversation and encounter.
Who's speaking?
Michael Mitton
Michael is an experienced speaker, writer and spiritual director. He is an ordained Anglican minister and canon emeritus of Derby Cathedral. He has worked as a parish priest and a diocesan officer, and was also the Director of Anglican Renewal Ministries, and Deputy Director of the Acorn Christian Healing Trust. Together with his colleague Russ Parker, he has led many pilgrimages in Britain, Ireland and Assisi. He is the author of both fiction and non-fiction books. His latest publication, The Poetry of Pilgrimage is published by BRF in 2024.
Russ Parker
Rev Dr. Russ Parker was Director of the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation from 1995-2013. He is now the Director of 2Restore which offers a range of resources to help churches resolve and heal their legacies of unhealed stories. He is the author of a number of books including “Healing Dreams”, “Forgiveness is Healing", “Healing Wounded History” and "Rediscovering the Ministry of Blessing". He has also penned two anthologies of prayer poems entitled Wild Spirit of the Living God and Pilgrim Wild Russ is married to Roz and lives near Farnham, Surrey. He supports Liverpool Football Club, whether they are winning or losing!