A creative retreat to focus in on tapestry, embroidery or handicrafts. Whether you are a beginner at stitching, or an expert, come and join us as we spend time unravelling the threads that make up our lives. You can unwind in the company of other crafters, and if you want, there will be the opportunity to learn two new skills. Materials can be provided for a small extra cost. Limited to 18 places.
Who's speaking?

Gretel White
Gretel White has a passion for creation and sustainability, expressed in various crafts including the use of recycled materials. Alongside her day job, she works as a spiritual director and retreat leader.

Vittoria Hancock
Vittoria Hancock is a Welsh priest, writer, and storyteller. She currently works in Scotland as a parish priest in the Cairngorms and Director of Ordinands for the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney. She is passionate about living life in all its fullness.