When we hear the word, ‘stewardship’, we often think in terms of time, talent, and treasures. But the Lord also entrusts other gifts to us that we are meant to steward, including his love, his grace, and his comfort in affliction. Sharon Garlough Brown will lead us in practices of prayer that help us receive these gifts so that we might be enlarged to offer them to others. This retreat is based on content from her novel Feathers of Hope.
Who's speaking?

Sharon Garlough Brown
Sharon Garlough Brown is an author, spiritual director and retreat speaker. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Sharon has served on the pastoral staff of congregations in England, Oklahoma and West Michigan and has recently moved with her husband, Jack, to Dundee, Scotland. Sharon’s spiritual formation novels in the bestselling 'Sensible Shoes' series follow the journey of characters who are learning to rest in the love of God. Her latest novel, 'Feathers of Hope' (third in the Shades of Light series), explores issues of mental health, grief, and God’s presence with us in seasons of loss and change. She and Jack oversee Abiding Way Ministries (www.abidingway.life), offering spiritual formation retreats and resources, including daily Lectio Divina recordings.