What does it mean to ‘live by the Spirit’ and ‘keep in step with the Spirit’? St Paul offers the ‘fruit of the Spirit’ in Galatians 5 as a core set of attributes that describe this way of life. During this week, we will explore what it means to apply the fruit to the challenges we face – in our own lives, the wider world, and the church. We will consider, in particular, how the fruit of the Spirit can help us face our inevitable disagreements in a transformative way.
Who's speaking?

Christopher Landau
Revd Dr Christopher Landau is the Director of ReSource. Before ordination he was the BBC World Service’s religious affairs correspondent; he is the author of Loving Disagreement and has a particular desire to see the Spirit bring unity among Christians. He has previously been in parish ministry in London, and student chaplaincy in Oxford.

Felicity Lawson
Canon Felicity Lawson is a trustee of both ReSource and Scargill Movement. She has worked in lay and ordained ministry as a vicar, Director of Ministerial Training, Dean of Ministry and Director of Ordinands. She is the co-author of the Saints Alive! course and has written widely on discipleship.