Love your church like Jesus does and find perspective, healing, forgiveness, hope
and vision as you do so. Find out what Paul had to go through to love the Ephesian
church and how you can be filled with the width, length height and breadth of
Christ’s love as you find freedom from pain and renew your vision of God’s great
plan – the hope for the world.
With stories of churches from around the world to inspire and encourage this is a
great week for anyone wanting to get a fresh perspective on an ancient truth.
Encounter God and be equipped, encouraged, envisioned and enabled to fulfil you
God given mission for life with those He has put around you.
Who's speaking?
Richard And Nicola Moy
Nicola is the vicar of Christ Church W4 in Chiswick and Richard the national director of SOMA UK, and both of them have been part of the New Wine leadership. Nicola was previously an RE teacher and Richard a Fresh Expressions advisor and Pioneer Minister. They love travel and have ministered in India, Africa and Asia, but not yet South America! They have 3 children aged 13,12,10 and a dog.